Welcome to our Mobius STEM page. This page contains information that will help you explore coding using Octave, an open source code. Follow the instructions to assess a make-believe constellation sensing an make-believe threat.
Octave Example Instructions
The open-source language “Octave” will run the code in this example. Download it from https://octave.org/download.
See if you can use Octave, code that Mobius wrote, and sample trajectories to assess the distance from satellites to missiles.
Download and install Octave
Create a New Folder on your C:\ Drive and label it “MobiusSpaceMissileSensor” without quotes
Click on “Trajectory Data Download” below and save the file with name “trajectory_J2000PosVel” in the MobiusSpaceMissileSensor folder. Make sure these is no suffix on the file - it won’t load it has a .dat, .txt or any othe file suffix.
Open Octave and Copy/Paste the “Mobius Octave Code” from below
Copy the file Trajectory Data file location and paste it into the “Load Trajectory” section of the Octave code. Example: “C:\Users\[your user name]\Documents\MobiusSpaceMissileSensor\”
Notice the notes and constants. See if you can recognize the constants, equations, and functions.
Select “Run” in Octave to see the code run
Assumptions: spherical earth, circular satellite orbits, Keplerian gravity.
Hint: To manage computation time the analysis can be done at 10 second timesteps.
A given Walker constellation is defined by 50deg inclination, 60 satellites, 6 planes, and a Walker number spacing of 3. The constellation altitude is 700km Satellite constellation - Wikipedia.
Define the position of all the satellites in the constellation as a function of time in the J2000 Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI) frame Earth-centered inertial - Wikipedia.
Note: Depending on the phasing chosen the student may have slightly different results than the ones shown below.
The 3-D rotation matrices are provided Rotation Matrix -- from Wolfram MathWorld. In the J2000 ECI frame, satellite constellation inclination can be represented by rotation about the x-axis, and the right ascension of the ascending node for the angle between the planes Longitude of the ascending node - Wikipedia can be represented by rotation about the z-axis.
A missile trajectory is also provided in the J2000 ECI frame. [see data below]
Plot the satellite constellation orbits, and the missile trajectory data, on a sphere representing the earth.
Generate a figure showing the distance of each satellite to the missile trajectory at each time step. Set the y-axis range to 0 to 5000km to exclude the satellites that would be on the opposite side of the earth from the missile. Include a horizontal line for 1500km range to allow for visual inspection of how often the target is within the sensor range.
The distance equation is provided Distance - Wikipedia, where (x1, y1, z1) is the position of the missile in J2000 ECI coordinates and (x2, y2, z2) is the position of a satellite in J2000 ECI coordinates.
The Distance Equation
Rotation Matrix
Trajectory Plot
Distance Plot - from satellites to object
Mobius Code
% Alison Yu, Mobius, 2023 %% Initial Code close all clear %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Inputs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Constellation inputs conType = 'Walker'; incl = 50*pi/180; %rad tot_sats = 6*10; % the total number of satellites = orbits x satellites per orbit num_orbs = 6; % number of orbits f_spacing = 3; alt = 700e3; % meters num_sats = tot_sats/num_orbs; % number of satellites per orbit % Additional model inputs traj = 'trajectory_J2000PosVel' sensorDist = 1500e3; %m tstep = 10; %sec % Constants G = 6.67e-11; %N m^2 / kg^2, gravitational constant M = 5.972e24; %kg, mass of earth Re = 6371e3; %m, radius of earth % Plot options markers = {'o','+', 'd','x', 's','<', 'h','*', 'p','^', 'v','>'}; colors = {... [0 0 0 ] % 1 black [0.5 0 0 ] % 2 [1 0 0 ] % 3 red [1 0.5 0 ] % 4 orange [1 1 0 ] % 5 [0.5 1 0 ] % 6 [0 1 0 ] % 7 green [0 0.5 0 ] % 8 [0 0.5 1 ] % 9 [0 1 0.5 ] % 10 [0 1 1 ] % 11 cyan [0 0 1 ] % 12 blue [0 0 0.5 ] % 13 [0.5 0 1 ] % 14 [1 0 0.5 ] % 15 [1 0 1 ] % 16 magenta }; %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Load Trajectory %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% load(['C:\Users\[your user name]\Documents\MobiusSpaceMissileSensor\' traj]) %ttraj, xtraj, ytraj, ztraj ttraj_orig = ttraj; xtraj_orig = xtraj; ytraj_orig = ytraj; ztraj_orig = ztraj; % interpolate ttraj = 0:tstep:ttraj_orig(end)-ttraj_orig(1); %seconds xtraj = interp1(ttraj_orig-ttraj_orig(1),xtraj_orig,ttraj); ytraj = interp1(ttraj_orig-ttraj_orig(1),ytraj_orig,ttraj); ztraj = interp1(ttraj_orig-ttraj_orig(1),ztraj_orig,ttraj); t_idx = 1:length(ttraj); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Initialize figures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Figure 1 figure(1, 'position',[100,100,1000,1000]); hold on; grid on xlabel('x [m]') ylabel('y [m]') zlabel('z [m]') title('J2000 ECI Position of Satellites and Trajectory') set(gca,'FontSize',20) lgd_str_fig1 = {}; % plot trajectory figure(1) plot3(xtraj,ytraj,ztraj,'color','r','LineStyle','none','Marker','o','MarkerSize',1) %lgd_str_fig1{end+1} = 'trajectory'; lgd_str_fig1{end+1} = 'trajectory timesteps'; % plot a sphere to represent earth figure(3) [xsphere, ysphere, zsphere] = sphere(20); close figure(1) hSurface = surf(Re*xsphere,Re*ysphere,Re*zsphere); set(hSurface,'FaceColor',[0.9 0.9 1],'EdgeColor',[1 1 1]) lgd_str_fig1{end+1} = 'earth'; view([1 1 1]) %% Figure 2 figure(2, 'position',[800,200,1000,1000]); grid on; hold on xlabel('Threat Trajectory Time After Lift Off [sec]') ylabel('Distance from Satellite to Target [km]') title('Distance from Satellite to Target vs Time') set(gca,'FontSize',20) lgd_str_fig2 = {}; axis([0 ttraj(end) 0 5e3]) plot([ttraj(1) ttraj(end)],[sensorDist/1e3 sensorDist/1e3],'Color','k','LineWidth',5) lgd_str_fig2{end+1} = 'Sensor Required Distance'; %%%%%%%%%% Calculate Orbit Coordinates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'Orbit Coordinates' r = Re + alt; grav = G*M/r^2; %m/s^2, function of altitude v = sqrt(grav*r); thetaDot = v/r; %rad/sec for i_orbit = 1:num_orbs i_orbit if strcmp(conType,'Walker') RAAN = (i_orbit-1)*2*pi/num_orbs; %rad elseif strcmp(conType,'Streets') RAAN = (i_orbit-1)*pi/num_orbs; %rad endif phase = i_orbit*f_spacing*2*pi/tot_sats; %rad for i_sat = 1:num_sats %i_sat theta_vec = phase + 2*pi*(i_sat-1)/num_sats + thetaDot*ttraj; %rad/sec x1 = r*cos(theta_vec); y1 = 0*theta_vec; z1 = r*sin(theta_vec); incl_calc = pi/2-incl; %rad, angle used for calculations %% Rotations Rx = [1 0 0 ; 0 cos(incl_calc) sin(incl_calc); 0 -sin(incl_calc) cos(incl_calc)]; Rz = [cos(RAAN) sin(RAAN) 0; -sin(RAAN) cos(RAAN) 0; 0 0 1 ]; for t_var = t_idx % Inclination rotation x2(t_var) = Rx(1,1)*x1(t_var) + Rx(1,2)*y1(t_var) + Rx(1,3)*z1(t_var); y2(t_var) = Rx(2,1)*x1(t_var) + Rx(2,2)*y1(t_var) + Rx(2,3)*z1(t_var); z2(t_var) = Rx(3,1)*x1(t_var) + Rx(3,2)*y1(t_var) + Rx(3,3)*z1(t_var); % RAAN rotation x3(t_var) = Rz(1,1)*x2(t_var) + Rz(1,2)*y2(t_var) + Rz(1,3)*z2(t_var); y3(t_var) = Rz(2,1)*x2(t_var) + Rz(2,2)*y2(t_var) + Rz(2,3)*z2(t_var); z3(t_var) = Rz(3,1)*x2(t_var) + Rz(3,2)*y2(t_var) + Rz(3,3)*z2(t_var); endfor %for t_var %% Plot orbits figure(1) plot3(x3,y3,z3,'marker',markers{mod(i_orbit,12)+1},'MarkerSize',3,'color','k','linestyle','-','linewidth',1) %% Format output orbit data structures x_orbit{i_orbit,i_sat} = x3; y_orbit{i_orbit,i_sat} = y3; z_orbit{i_orbit,i_sat} = z3; endfor %for i_sat endfor %for i_orbit %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Calculations on Orbits %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 'Calclations on Orbits' for i_orbit = 1:num_orbs i_orbit for i_sat = 1:num_sats %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Conjunction Calculations %%%%%%%%%%%%%% x3 = x_orbit{i_orbit,i_sat}; y3 = y_orbit{i_orbit,i_sat}; z3 = z_orbit{i_orbit,i_sat}; for i_t = t_idx %% Calculate distance between satellites and trajectory dist(i_orbit,i_sat,i_t) = sqrt( (xtraj(i_t)-x3(i_t))^2 + (ytraj(i_t)-y3(i_t))^2 + (ztraj(i_t)-z3(i_t))^2 ); %m endfor %check if distance is through the earth, dist<5000km figure(2) for i_vec = 1:length(dist(i_orbit,i_sat,:)) dist_vec(i_vec) = dist(i_orbit,i_sat,i_vec); %m endfor plot(ttraj,dist_vec/1e3,'color',colors{mod(i_sat,16)+1},'Marker',markers{mod(i_orbit,12)+1},'MarkerSize',3); %legend #lgd_str_sats{i_lgd} = ['orbit ' num2str(i_orbit) ', sat ' num2str(i_sat)]; #i_lgd = i_lgd+1; endfor %for i_sat endfor %for i_orbit
STK Multi-Hop Communication Example
More challenging with less help
Visit the Mobius STEM website to see an STK video and example: [https:\\www.mobius-llc.com\STEM}
Download a free version of STK as a student
Task : Create a 24 hour scenario that calculate the duration of access link between a target, a 6x6 walker constellation of SAR satellites (Capella Whitney), a 6x11 Walker constellation of comms satellites( Iridium) , and a ground station
STK Scenario: the video below shows 30 seconds of the simulation of the scenario in STK
Yellow cone: a SAR satellite collecting data at the target location (Uplink comms)
Red cone: a SAR satellite communicating with a comms satellite ( Crosslink comms) and a comms satellite delivering data to the ground station (Downlink comms)
Red square block: Target location
Green square block: Ground Station location
In 24 hours, the communication was successful twice:
1st time: March 14th 2023 at 4 pm for 457.38 seconds
2nd time: March 14th 2023 at 5:42 pm for 140 seconds