
To support the systems engineering process in an affordable manner, Modeling and Simulation (M&S) must be used to characterize system sensitivities, assess requirements flexibility, conduct trades on design attributes and produce expectations for system performance.

Our Approach

M&S is critical to effective systems engineering, but restraint must be exercised in the way models are used and the fidelity at which they are implemented.  Mobius takes a multi-faceted approach to M&S by evaluating the needs of the activity, then using a federated approach to its analysis.  We employ Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) models such as Analytical Graphics – System Tool Kit (STK) for assessments that demand low/medium fidelity analytical results and eye watering graphical depictions of scenarios.  For more analytically intense assessments, we employ custom models developed in house by Mobius engineers.  We operated M&S Codes which have benchmarked heritage and exceptionally short run times, allowing our analysts to conduct thousands of Monte-Carlo assessments in a matter of hours which provided detailed system characterization against complex scenarios. 

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